Sunday, January 15, 2012


Such things are not supposed to happened to civilized people.


You in the UK must wonder what happened. We may never know. I have a very close friend from college days, just as Professor Rawlings did. We have kept in contact for over 40 years. I cannot imagine any circumstance in which he or I would want to murder one another. Over many years most of us have the wisdom to abandon a friendship with any signs of such consequences.

What disturbs me is the efficiency (?) with which the authorities have concluded that murder is the most obvious conclusion, and they have probably destroyed the career of Rawlings' friend, no matter where the matter ends. It is typical of the modern nature of Anglo-Saxon insanity, and that includes my own brand here in the USA, that our clever top cop cannot beat half of the terrorists to the trigger, but they can make a criminal of the most harmless child in a flash.

We must all be very thoughtful about our mind set. This event could make us all terrified of our best friends, at least terrified of any friendships with people who have any physical defects of weaknesses. We might soon demand the new contacts go around to hospital and get a lab test, EKG, and echogram to determine if they might die while in our company. We might also call the authorities and report any of our friends who have such weaknesses just to cover ourselves. 

Finking is everywhere, and the police are fanning the fires of terror more than the Arabs in this case.

Actually, I have considered tracking all of you who read here in order to learn if you are perfectly well. Those who fail my test would be blocked so that I am not under suspicion is you have an epileptic fit while reading here. Of course, than it occurred to me that if you did have a fit while reading here, you could use my weird editorial as an excuse to get some added medical attention, hard to get in the UK I gather.

So, I will do my part and keep the weird stuff coming all the way from Texas.

My sympathy to the wife of Dr. Rawlings.

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