Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Actually, they invaded over a year ago. The Transitional Federal Forces were trying to take the southern part of Somalia, but they were not making much progress.

So, the Kenya Defense Forces invaded to help the TFF get the job done. The world media chatters about the zeal of Muslims militants, and many news sources have predicted failure. After a year, the KDF is plodding on to Kismayo, the de facto capital of Al Shabaab. The KDF have invaded and liberated at least eight towns and cities and turned them over to the TFF to further administer.

The object is not to invade and hole Somalia forever but to force Al Shabaab to sue for a peace treaty and a cease fire. 

What has the US done to help? The best they can do is criticize the KDF. The US Ambassador in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has mocked at the KDF for being "bogged down." The facts are that the KDF is moving steadily on toward the center of Somalia, but they have not done the classic rush of the US into Baghdad. It may just be that the US Ambassador has no concept of how Africans fight.

What is amazing is that the KDF is doing what the US Military could not do-- subdue the countryside in the south. About eight Kenya soldiers have been killed, while hundreds of Al Shabaab have been killed. Al Shabaab shot down a Kenyan helicopter in the first days of the invasion, but the KDF plowed forward in spite of the loss.

In comments in news articles, KDF soldiers write about their determination to liberate Somali people. What is Kenya's interest in this? Oil? Power in the horn of Africa? None of the above, as with the USA and Western forces in the Middle East. Kenya seems to simply be doing what they believe they can do..... what no one else has yet done, including the mighty USA.

I love it. The Wogs to the rescue. By the way, the commander of the operation is a Luo :-) That will mean something significant to your Expatriate Wogs in the UK. We who lived there long ago know how the Lou in the the King's African Rifles fought in Borneo, Belgium, and the the "Emergency" in the Kenya Highlands.

So, the KDF has nearly surrounded Kismayo with bases. Al Shabaab is ready to destroy all bridges across the Juba River, but the KDF do not need to cross that river to take Kismayo. With Mogadishu under a Provisional Transitional Government and reasonably stable, if the KDF took Kismayo, a pincer operation could be launched to secure all of central and southern Somalis. Now, when did you ever hear a Western nation of news media that dared to talk about this much success? Al Shabaab will never give up. They are terrorists, and they have a Jihad ethic. But, it is looking like order may one day return to Somalia.

Bully for Kenya :-)

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