Sunday, December 4, 2011


This video got to me. 
I tend to keep emotions in the background, but I really must say that I got the warm fuzzies over this one. It is OK to take a break from cynicism and reality once in a while. The British, if they can be convinced to let their guard down, do have warm hearts. 

Please notice all the authentic "wogs" in the video. This also is a strength of the British. Stiff upper lip, fair play, call it anything you like..... they must be given high marks for this.

PLEASE ENJOY (Ladie, do have a tissue ready please)


  1. So this is what they get up to when the economy’s shot, Yoosuf’n’mates rule the roost and the parson’s gone AWOL spiritually, morally and intellectually. Sing for your supper when you caint get a job.

    Read about this bloke’s recent coffee morning? (See page 8.) After working like Trojans, setting the tables with tracts and even “some of Betsy’s Gospel key-rings”, adding a literature table or three, advancing a few or more bob on advertising, rosinin’ up the urn and silver three-tier salver and praying, only four bloomin’ daisies dropped in! Ha, ha. Imagine . . . poor blighter! :-)

    Behold ol’ Brittainia today. UK’ed. Yep, dead as forty blooming nights.

    Maybe they should’ve given up after they lost the war with you guys?

  2. When searching on the Internet, pound SCROOGLE instead:


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