If Darin's patriarch had not been grabbed by slavers long ago in Ghana, his ambition today would be right in style.
Or, if Darin had been sired by a Kenya drunk in Hawaii, and if he made it all the way to the White House, his ambition would be anticipated, and his lie about his home's value would be overlooked by the press and Congress.
So, what is the issue. He lied about the value of his home, did he not? That is high crime and must be punished by prison. Well then, why do all these Congressmen lie and lie and lie, cheat the system, and why do the super rich lie and only have to pay up the difference when caught?
In case you did not notice, we now live in a high class banana republic. The power above grabs you by the genitiles to make sure you are not a terrorist, and they pour over your tax return in the hope they can make a criminal of you.

Now, what has this got to do with the Empire Lost?
The parallel is exactly the same in the UK and the old Commonwealth nations that are now liberated. Ambition is still admired, but it is fulfilled by thugs and scoundrels.
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