Thursday, November 3, 2011


This is Post Number One of my Expatriate Wog Blog. 

Some who enter here will be offended because they have no memory of the days when certain offspring of colonial officials, missionaries, and foreign workers had kids who were so absorbed in their adopted nation that they indeed felt they were Wogs. This man was there and still feels like some part of him was left in Kenya long ago.

To you who understand, I trust we get some good comments and old memories added by you to the blog items. I shall indulge in memories and musings about my own experiences in Kenya and Tanzania.

I begin with a video from Tanzania that simply makes it quite clear who belongs here:

That was the Mwanza Town Choir of Mwanza, Tanzania. My Dad put them on the radio in the 1970s by publishing their music all over East Africa for the Africa Inland Church. Unlike the allegedly "civilized" nations of the world, every bar in East Africa would have several records of the Mwanza Town Choir for patrons to listen to when requested.

I lived for a while on Makongoro Road and out of town on Lake Victoria at a spot named Bwiru.

Where did you become a "Wog"?

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Comments must be civil and show respect for the subjects of the former British Empire without being stupidly patronizing. Thanks